Cosmopolitan Reveals Editorial Pictures of Lee Hyori
Recently, beautiful editorial pictures have been released of our sexy queen Lee Hyori.
The beautiful singer is the fall model of Cosmopolitan’s November issue and is rocking the “feminine classic” look for this issue.
Lee Hyori’s dark colored lips, dark wavy hair and dark toned clothing give off a classic noir vibe. In the first picture, the queen is wearing multiple pearl accessories, looking thoughtfully towards the camera, while the sun shines its light on her, making the picture very nostalgic. In the second picture, Lee Hyori is wearing a black trench coat, a beige chiffon blouse, combined with a black lace skirt and black platform booties and really manages to live up to the image of a beautiful fall woman.
Amazed netizens praised these pictures by commenting, “This is definitely Lee Hyori” “Everything that Lee Hyori does, looks distinct” and “Marvelous”.
These pictures can be admired in the November issue of the Korean Cosmopolitan.