Yoo Ah In's Movie "Wan Deuk Yi" is Number One at the Box Office
The movie “Wan Deuk Yi” has been number one at the box office since the movie first came out two weeks ago.
According the Film Council’s statistics, “Wan Deuk Yi” has maintained the top viewer rate of 29.1%, with “Real Steel” following at a close 28.3%. In third place came Han Hyo Joo and So Ji Sub‘s “Only You” with 17.3%.
“Wan Deuk Yi” has not only received praise from the Film Council, but also from popular movie sites such as Max Movie, Interpark and CGV. Through the competition, it has slowly but surely made its way to the top, distinguishing itself among the other films. It may be the next big hit in Korea.
In fact, the popularity for this film is higher the second week than it was in the first. A Max Movie official reported, “The largest age range of viewers are in their twenties and thirties, with 64% of the viewers in this range.” Because the movie is popular among the younger generation, it shows promise of continuing success.
“Wan Deuk Yi” is a film based off the bestseller of the same title. It is the story of a rebel named Wan Deuk, who has his back turned on the world, and a teacher named Dong Joo, who regards the world in the same way as his student. Actors Kim Yoon Suk and Yoo Ah In have collaborated on this work to create a blockbuster.