[UPDATED] Suju's Eunhyuk and the "Anchovy World Tour"

After the successful SMTOWN in New York held last week, all Super Junior members finally had some spare time to rest and to spend with their families.

Some of them, like Ryeowook, Shindong and Yesung (who was actually suffering from rhinitis these past few days) are back in Korea. Leeteuk and Donghae were in Saipan. Kyuhyun who is in Spain, actually had an awful encounter with a stranger who threatened him with a knife but was luckily able to run away. Oh my! What a horrible time Kyuhyun must have had, good to know that he is alright!

On his end, Eunhyuk is in Europe having a nice family trip with his parents and sister. Through his Twitter account, he shares some pictures of him and his family during the “Anchovy World Tour.” He first visited Prague and had a nice stay with his family but also he had funny moments when he was trying to speak Czech using a dictionary and when everybody was staring at him for being the first blonde Asian visiting the city.

After being in Prague, he and his family moved onto visiting Vienna, had lovely encounters with fans who knew he was there, went sightseeing the most important places and then went to visit Germany. It seems that he really had a nice time with his family, finally a well deserved vacation!

After his holidays in Germany he moved onto England and there he went to a soccer game. It is expected that after England, he will go back to Korea and join the rest of the members of Super Junior in the next few days. 

Check out the pictures for the “Anchovy World Tour” during his stay in Prague, Vienna, a picture from New York and his last stop in England and be sure to stay tuned to Soompi for more updates!

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