Song Joong Ki Wants "Best Couple Award" with Female Partner

On the November 5 episode of KBS‘ “Entertainment Weekly,” Song Joong Ki was the guest for the segment, “Guerilla Interview.”

This interview takes place in the streets without any notice to fans, which results in either quiet spectators or overwhelming crowds present at the interview.

Song Joong Ki’s interview took place in front of a women’s college, drawing around 1,000 fans, making it almost impossible to move.

The interviewer asked, in response to such a huge crowd, what the secret to Song Joong Ki’s popularity is? Song Joong Ki gave two answers. The “Humble Version” was: “I think people like my hard-working image.” The more “Confident Version” was: “Because I’m good looking.”

Song Joong Ki considers himself lucky to have many loyal fans. One of his most memorable fans is a pharmacist who has continually sent him medicine since his debut era.

In a quieter setting, Song Joong Ki revealed his thoughts on his image and acting.

Good Actor vs. Good Looking:

Song Joong Ki prefers the compliment of the “good actor.” He elaborated, “Even if 10,000 people say I’m good looking, I feel better if one person said that I was a good actor.”

Song Joong Ki also gives himself six points out of ten for his acting. This is up one point up from the time of his experience as an extra.

Acting Award vs. Popularity Award

Song Joong Ki prefers the popularity award because truthfully, he does care about popularity. The award he wants most, however, is the “Best Couple” award, but this time with a female. Song Joong Ki won the award in 2010 with Yoo Ah In for “Sungkyunkwan Scandal.” He commented, “It felt good, but it also felt weird to receive that award.”

“Mother’s Friend’s Son” vs. “Flower Boy”

Song Joong Ki finds the “Mother”s Friend’s Son” image more burdensome than the “Flower Boy” image. “Mother”s Friend’s Son” refers to the cultural practice in South Korea, where a mother would most likely compare their child to their friend’s child, who always seems to get the higher score or the better job. This description generally describes the image of a person who is good at everything. Lee Seung Gi is the representative “Mother’s Friend’s Son” in the Korean entertainment industry. Song Joong Ki commented, “I don’t want to deliberately break that image, but it is burdensome.”

Song Joong Ki revealed in a different interview that rather than being “good at everything,” his is just very competitive. After giving up his short-track athlete dream in junior high school, Song Joong Ki’s competitive spirit transferred to studying. That is why he did well in school and earned the reputation of “Mother’s Son’s Friend.”

Song Joong Ki’s most earnest wish for Christmas is that his newly released movie, “My Penny-Pinching Romance,” with Han Ye Seul, stays in theaters even until Christmas. The success of this movie means more to Song Joong Ki since it is his first leading role.This movie will be showing in theaters starting Novermber 10.

“My Penny-Pinching Romance” will be competing with Song Joong Ki’s “Best Couple” partner, Yoo Ah In’s movie, “Punch,” which is currently a huge hit in theaters with two million viewers. In another interview, Song Joong Ki said, “Of course, I envy Yoo Ah In. To reach that level in a leading role is something to be admired and envied. Even I think Yoo Ah In is charming.”

Both Yoo Ah In and Song Joong Ki are charming but in different ways. I hope Song Joong Ki’s movie also does well in theaters and he gets a “Best Couple” award soon, but with a female partner. Or maybe not!

Song Joong Ki also talked about his most embarrasing moments. When the interviewer asked him if he wanted to erase any memories, the actor answered, “You almost had me… Oh, whatever… I will just tell you. It is my first appearance on KBS 2TV’s ‘Music Bank.’”

In 2009, Song Joong Ki was one of the MC’s of the program but had to give this slightly awkward performance, singing and dancing to 4minute’s popular “Hot Issue.” The actor commented, “After my performance, my fans advised me to never dance again. I wish that I really could erase this moment.”

See below for the video of his performance on “Music Bank” and judge for yourselves!

(His segment begins at 2:30)

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