Announcing the Winners of the Brown Eyed Girls' "Cleansing Cream" Giveaway

Hey Soompiers and Everlastings! Soompi and Nega Network have chosen the winners for the Brown Eyed Girls’ “Cleansing Cream” Giveaway! During this contest, we asked our users to discuss how they would forget about a lover who left them.

The winners of the Twitter contest are thanhnam, airatotzkie, and xiuai! Each will receive an autographed copy of Brown Eyed Girls’ “Sixth Sense” album.

The first winner of the article commenting contest is Optimismness! She will receive an original Polaroid and autographed copy of “Sixth Sense.” Here is her entry:

Make a sim version of both him and me, and make it so I breakup with him, then kill him in numerous ways on the game, until I feel better ^^; And/Or surround myself with people who are ‘better’ than him, and try to fall in love again… I suppose… ^^;

The winner of the Facebook commenting contest is Soso Kpopholic, who will also receive an original Polaroid and autographed copy of “Sixth Sense.” 

How you would forget a lover who left you ?

I know it’s hard to get over a break up especially if that was someone i truly loved and lend my heart to .
but still I won’t let that pain and sadness ruin my life because i’m the only person i should focus on , so in such case i’d set my mind on one thing that is ” Positive thinking “
i’d consult myself with positive friezes like ” I deserve a better person ” and ” that was for me to meet the ONE “, ” he/she is the one who lost , he/she lost there chance with me “… etc
still ir would be hard but with such mindset it won’t take long for me to get over my past love and feel better about myself at the same time so it’s two birds with one stone

and thank you for making such fun and amazing event ” Everlasting ” FIGHTING !!

Finally, the winner of the overall commenting contest is tibetanturnip! We had a ton of wonderful entries, some touching, some humorous, some offering very good advice, but in the end tibetanturnip won by a very close margin! tibetanturnip will receive personal letters from the Brown Eyed Girls. Here’s her entry:

It is difficult for me to answer this question. How would I forget a lover? I’m trying to figure it out myself right now. My boyfriend left me back in June after almost two years together. We lived together and spent almost every single day of those two years with one another. How am I supposed to forget him when I still love him so much? It has been five months since we broke up and two months since I last saw his face. This has been a very difficult experience for me since he was my first and only boyfriend.

So far, I have been trying to forget him by busying myself with as many things as possible. For example, going out with my friends and getting drunk, dancing, listening to emotional music, focusing on school, etc. I believe listening to music works the most effectively for me to help forget him, especially Cleaning Cream. The first time I listened to it I cried. The second time I listened to it I just felt numb. I find it comforting to listen to music that speaks to what I am feeling because it makes me feel as if I am not the only one in the world who is feeling this way. I’m not the only one who has had someone leave them. I’m not the only one who cannot sleep because they no longer have someone there to love and protect them.

I don’t know when the time will come when I no longer miss him anymore. I’m trying my hardest to forget him but it is hard. Brown Eyed Girls music is making it easier for me. Their voices and their music will help heal my open wounds, and make me feel better once again.

That’s all for now. Congratulations to all the winners!

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