The Film "Unbowed" Reaches 2 Million Viewers
The film “Unbowed” reached 2,000,000 viewers within 14 days of opening. For one day on January 30 the film had 99,722 viewers pushing the total number of viewers to 1,974,049. According to “KOFIC,” on January 31 the film would have surpassed 2,000,000 viewers.
The film “Unbowed” is based on a true story called the “crossbow terror incident.” A mathematics professor Kim Myung Ho lost the chance for advancement and also his job as a professor. In 2007, Kim Myung Ho’s rebuttal was denied without any reason. The angry professor visited the judge with a crossbow and demanded a fair trial. There was a physical altercation, the judge had a bloody shirt and there was also a broken arrow. However, the professor argued that he did not in fact shoot the judge which caused a controversial and interesting case.
Ahn Sung Ki plays the professor in the film “Unbowed.”