Lee Hyori's New Reality Show
Cable channel On Style is producing a new reality TV show featuring Lee Hyori titled “Golden 12.” “Golden 12” is to document Lee Hyori’s daily life as a “Socialtainer.” Socialtainer is a hybrid term of social and entertainer, used to refer to entertainment stars like Lee Hyori who are interested and involved in social issues.
Lately, Lee Hyori has been communicating with the public regarding social issues like abandoned animals, suicide, poverty, and senior citizens who live alone via twitter. “Golden 12” will present Lee Hyori’s earnest insights on these issues. Moreover, the show will feature Lee Hyori’s friends such as stylist Han Hye Yeon, designers Steve J & Yoni P, Singer Bae Da Hye, and photographer Hong Jang Hyun, and their opinions and involvements in social issues as members of the “Social Club.” They will discuss what it really means to live well and volunteer for different charity events to show viewers ways to get involved and help others in need
Over 12 weeks, “Golden 12” will deal with 12 different topics to show Lee Hyori’s ordinary and yet exceptional daily life as a socialtainer. Lee Hyori will be learning about and participate in various social issues such as vegetarianism, organic living, slow living, companion animals, and detox. “Golden 12” hopes to enlighten viewers about these social issues through Lee Hyori’s experience, discussion with friends, and earnest opinions.