Ji Hyun Woo Postpones Enlistment - To Spend More Time with Yoo In Na?
On July 1, Ji Hyun Woo‘s agency Paramount Music announced, “Ji Hyun Woo has postponed his enlistment, which was originally scheduled on July 3. He applied to postpone his enlistment on June 28 and will be joining the military in early August.”
After such announcement, many Netizens are assuming that Ji Hyun Woo has postponed his enlistment to spend more time with his girlfriend Yoo In Na. Paramount Music clarified, “Ji Hyun Woo is currently dealing with some health issues from falling from a horse while filming ‘Queen In Hyun’s Man.’ His doctor recommended him to take some time off before joining the military.”
Previously, Ji Hyun Woo openly confessed his love to Yoo In Na at a fan event of “Queen In Hyun’s Man” and garnered much attention. After several paparazzi pictures of Ji Hyun Woo and Yoo In Na were revealed through a media outlet, Yoo In Na openly admitted her relationship with him on her radio show “Yoo In Na’s Raise the Volume.”
Netizens commented on the news about Ji Hyun Woo’s postponed enlistment, “Yoo In Na’s going to be so upset once Ji Hyun Woo joins the military,” “I hope they spend some quality time together before he has to go,” and “I hope Ji Hyun Woo recovers from his injuries quickly and so that he could fulfill his military duty without much problems.”