Kara Takes Playful and Bright Selca Outside of the Stage

The recently returned Kara has snapped a playful photo of everyone outside of the stage.

Nicole tweeted on August 30, “Hi! I’ll see you at M.net‘s ‘Wide Entertainment News‘,” along with a photo.

It seems like the photo is taken by Nicole as she is smiling at the camera. Behind her are the rest of the Kara members still in their golden and glittery stage attire. Goo Hara is lifting her arms to make a heart over her head and Kang Jiyoung, Han Seungyeon and Park Gyuri are making various peace sign poses.

Netizens who saw this photo commented, “Their ‘Pandora‘ stage is so sexy but I guess outside the stage, they are still girls,” “They look so mischievous,” “It’s good to see them look so close,” and more.

Despite a few controversies that arose after Kara’s come back, Kara is actively promoting “Pandora,” which is showing good results.

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