JYJ's Kim Jae Joong is a Cuddly Uncle on Twitter

A proof shot of JYJ group member and actor Kim Jae Joong as an uncle being crazy-stupid about his nieces has been posted online.

On August 31, idol and actor Kim Jae Joong posted the photograph on his Twitter account along with the following words: “My pretty niece.  Grow up prettily.”

The uploaded photograph is a composite of two photographs.

In the first photograph, Kim Jae Joong closes his eyes and is placing a kiss on his adorable and happily smiling baby niece.  The second photograph gives a better look at the scene showing Kim Jae Joong lying on the bed with his niece and another child looking on as he kisses his baby niece again.

Kim Jae Joong can be seen in this year’s MBC drama “Dr. Jin” and last year’s SBS drama “Protect the Boss.”

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