Rookie Duo Tasty is Trendy in Denim for

Rookie idol group and twin brothers Tasty, who has received a lot of love for their debut track “You Know Me,” has recently posed for “1st Look” magazine.

Brothers Dae Ryong and So Ryong posed for a blue denim themed pictorial and sat down for a lengthy interview, in which they shared their journey to debut as artists.

So Ryong sported a two-toned denim shirt whereas Dae Ryong wore a unique striped denim shirt. The twin brothers are identical but each have their own individual charm and attraction. Dae Ryong’s colorful hair style was also a hot topic.

During their interview, Tasty revealed, “We were fascinated by the artist Rain so we spent 10 years preparing to be artists ourselves. When the word ‘duo’ is mentioned, we think people immediately think of Deuce. Now we want that association to be us.”

They continued, “We passed the JYP auditions for the first time when we were 19 years old. We were the only trainees after Rain, who danced as back dancers for Park Jin Young’s performances. We were called the twin back dancers and even had a fanclub.”

Tasty talked about other things such as their trainee days, their debut process, how they came up with the choreography for “You Know Me” and more.

Check out the photos and the video below!

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