Yoon Eun Hye Looks Like a Cute Cat

Actress Yoon Eun Hye posted a photograph of herself looking like a cute cat online.

On September 17, actress Yoon Eun Hye posted a photograph of herself on her Twitter account along with the following words: “Because it is raining, I feel under the weather~ Anything heavy, everything is just bothersome.  Making up my picture like this is fun.” 

The photograph shows low light due to the rainy weather, but Yoon Eun Hye still is able to look cute with her hoody up.  She drew on whiskers and a nose, and eye lashes, making herself look like a cute cat. 

Netizens who saw the photograph responded: “So cute!” “You look exactly like a cat,” “Your skin looks like white jade,” “I want to see you on TV again.”  

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