G-Dragon: “I’m Different On and Off Stage”

A journalist from SBS “E! Celebrity News” recently had a chance to sit down for an interview with G-Dragon.

Q: Because you’re a highly anticipated singer, many people wondered what kind of color you would show through this album. What did you focus on this time around?
G-Dragon: I tried to be carefree and do things no one else can. If that could be a concept, I guess it’s my concept. I think I’m able to take in concepts that might not work or might be hard for others. That’s one of my strengths.

Q: You’re known as a representative fashionista. There must be times when you feel burdened about this title.
G-Dragon: I’m very happy that I can wear what I want. During Big Bang promotions, I will have to coordinate with the other team members for a concept, but I’m able to wear whatever I want when I promote solo.

Q: What do you do when you’re not promoting? I have a feeling that you know how to have a good time.
A: I’m very different from my onstage persona and when I’m offstage. When I’m out there performing, I’m confident and do my best to not look like I’m trying too hard. But when I get off the stage, as you can see now, my speech becomes slower and my thoughts and such are much like a child’s. When I’m not doing music… there’s nothing specific I do. I eat, meet up with friends and watch movies, hang out with guys and chat.”

Soompiers, is there anyone who can pull off G-Dragon’s album concepts?

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