Yoo Jae Suk Gets a Kiss from a "Pink Lady"
Korea’s most popular MC and comedian Yoo Jae Suk got smooched by a junior comedian collegue at the 2012 KBS Entertainment Awards that was shown on December 22.
During the second part of the awards show, comedians from the KBS “Gag Concert” staged a laugh-out-loud performance. One of the performances included the Pink Ladies which consisted of rookie comedians. After dancing to PSY’s “Gangnam Style,” one of the Pink Ladies went up to Yoo Jae Suk and kissed him on the cheek, which caused huge laughter both from the audience and fellow entertainers. Surprisingly, rather than being surprised, the MC was too busy laughing and dancing the horse-trot dance.
On that day, MC and comedian Shin Dong Yub took home the Grand Prize Awards, the first time in 10 years.