Jun.K Celebrates Birthday With 2PM and JYP Nation

Jun.K celebrates his birthday with JYP Nation.

On January 15, 2PM’s Jun.K posted a festive picture on Twitter along with a thank you message, “I really appreciate all the people who celebrated my birthday. Mom and dad. Thank you. “

In the revealed image, the birthday boy is seen celebrating his big day with 2PM members and JYP Entertainment colleagues on stage. The large screen captured the image of Jun.K smiling brightly while he blew out the candles on the cake.

Bloggers celebrated the singer’s birthday by commenting, “Oh~ it was Jun.K’s birthday!?” “He looks happy celebrating with his friends,” “Happy Birthday Jun.K!” and “They all look so happy.”

Meanwhile, Jun.K has been cast for the musical “The Three Musketeers” which will premiere in February.

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