Eun Ji Won is Getting Paid Even More As a Model
Eun Ji Won recently renewed a contract for continuing to be the endorsement model for a traveling agency.
The exact figure of Eun Ji Won’s pay has not been revealed, but it is reported that the amount is at least 100% greater than the amount he was paid when he first debuted.
It has also be reported that the raise of pay was only possible because of the great relationship Eun Ji Won had with the sponsoring agency, in addition to his success as the endorsement model.
Every since the traveling agency hired Eun Ji Won to be their endorsement model, they’ve seen an unprecedented rise in profits of 100 billion won and a 300% growth of travel package sales. Out of astonishment for the agency’s gains, they’ve labeled it “The Eun Ji Won Effect.”
In related news, Eun Ji Won is currently participating in variety show “Three Fools” as well as promoting his track “Anyone” featuring Gil Me.