ZE:A’s Kwanghee Explains the Reason Why He Gives Presents to Girls

ZE:A’s Kwanhee explained the real meaning behind gifts.

Kwanghee  appeared on yesterday’s episode of SBS’s “Hwashin,” where he revealed the reason why gives presents to girls.  He confessed, “I really enjoy giving gifts, and I’ve given a lot of bags as presents.” He continued, “I heard that girls like receiving bags and shoes, so I gave them a lot. However, after a while, they didn’t see these as gifts but as something they should receive from me.” 

Host Shin Dong Yup asked, “What is the purpose of giving them gifts?” Kwanghee replied, “Well, I think it’s because I feel like I lack something.” He then added, “I wanted her heart,” which surprised his fellow cast mates. He explained, “I think I gave them gifts to make up for the fact that I look so frail and unreliable because of my thin frame.” 

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