Girls’ Generation Taeyeon Accidently Hits a Fan with a Baseball!

Oops! Really the Girls’ Generation should consider taking baseball throwing lessons. First, it was Jessica and her somewhat harmless first pitch blooper. Now, Taeyeon has taken it up a notch and she is downright throwing balls at fans! (To hurt them GAHHH! jk ^^) 

The cute incident happened during the Hiroshima concert of Girls’ Generation’s “2013 Girls’ Generation Arena Tour.” The concert was held on March 10. All of the Girls’ Generation girls can be seen in a “marine” look. Everyone is giving baseballs out to fans. Taeyeon winds up to give a ball to somebody far away but the ball ends up hitting a fan! Taeyeon is shown looking shocked and embarrassed.

Taeyeon went back to ask if the fan was ok in Japanese and apologized. The “2013 Girls’ Generation Arena Tour” will continue to go on throughout 7 different Japanese cities until April 21. 

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