Kwanghee to Leave 'We Got Married'?

Star Empire Entertainment finally laid to rest rumors swirling that ZE:A‘s Kwanghee was going to leave MBC‘s “We Got Married Season 4.”

On March 29, representatives of “We Got Married” released this statement, “We have seen headlines regarding Kwanghee leaving us. These rumors are false. We haven’t heard anything directly from Kwanghee’s agency.”

Star Empire Entertainment stated, “The only thing that’s been canceled is Kwanghee’s guest appearance in ‘Knee Drop Guru.’ Although there are plans to visit the U.S. and Japan for promotions, we plan to proceed with ‘We Got Married’ recordings as usual.” 

Previously, a news source falsely claimed to have quoted the agency itself saying, “Kwanghee has been too busy with album preparations, promotions abroad and as a result will have to leave ‘We Got Married.'” 

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