Hyorin And Seo In Guk Pair Up For "ISENBERG" CF
SISTAR‘s Hyorin recently paired up with actor Seo In Guk for outdoor sports brand ISENBERG‘s latest CF.
In the CF, Hyorin and Seo In Guk are running through the woody trails of a forest and cross paths. Both celebrities were able to keep their stamina up and delivered on their facial expressions despite the bitter cold weather.
Representatives of ISENBERG stated, “Hyorin and Seo In Guk were able to successfully pull off sincere and strong acting for ISENBERG’s ‘overcoming challenges’ concept. Hyorin especially showed off a healthy and sexy charisma with her bright colored clothing that was illuminated by what little lighting we had.”
In related news, Hyorin and Seo In Guk’s appearances in ISENBERG’s newest CF was distributed on March 29 through cable channels, ISENBERG’s blog, etc.