Super Junior's Sungmin to Leave KBS 2FM "Super Junior's Kiss the Radio"
Oh noes! It is a sad day for Super Junior Sungmin fans! Due to his appearance in a Japanese musical, Sungmin will be leaving his DJ spot on KBS 2FM’s “Super Junior’s Kiss the Radio.” For now, Ryeowook will continue to DJ for the radio show on his own.
Sungmin has been with “Super Junior’s Kiss the Radio” for about two years since December, 2011. A new artist will soon join the show in order to fill in his spot.
On April 2, a representative of SM Entertainment stated, “Due to problems with Sungmin’s schedule, he could not help but drop off the show. Ryeowook will continue to DJ the show on his own. In the near future, either somebody from SM or another star will fill up the spot. However, as of now, officially there is no person to fill in his spot.”
Meanwhile, Super Junior will hold a South American tour beginning on April 21.