Lee Seung Gi Admits to Obsessing Over Beauty
In a recent interview with TV Daily, the delightfully charming singer and actor Lee Seung Gi talked about who he believes is his ideal type of lady, instantly tickling the interests of ladies everywhere eager to see if they fit within his criteria.
On June 25, Lee Seung Gi was present for an interview with reporters at the Conrad Hotel in downtown Seoul to talk about how he feels after the end of his most recent project, the drama “Gu Family Book.” As is the case for almost all of these interviews, the discussions naturally shifted over to talk about his love life. So when the question did pop up Lee Seung Gi jokingly replied, “You’re going to ask me if I’m going to get a date or not right?” and then stating “I always have the desire to enter into a relationship.”
So in that case, what kind of characteristics does his ideal partner need to possess? Well first off he explained that “In the past my ideal type used to change every 2 years. Isn’t there a time in everyone’s life where they obsess over beauty? That was the case for me as well but I’ve changed now.”
So how exactly has it changed? Well he describes his current ideal partner as “Hopefully being someone that doesn’t discomfort the people around me. I don’t think people that discomfort others even when they are doing nothing to be all that great.” And “I hope it is someone that is really cheerful and just shines.”
But wait there is more. “I hope she is someone that can support me because they really love me. Also in the past I said someone ten years my senior is also fine, but now I think that is a bit over reaching, and as long as the age difference is reasonable, then I am also okay with someone that is my senior.”
To recap, Lee Seung Gi’s ideal type is someone that doesn’t discomfort others, really cheerful, can support him with love, and can be older than him but not by 10 years. Do you happen fit these conditions because if so there is a great guy on the market right now looking for you.