2PM Members Choose Taecyeon as Most Afflicted With 'Celebrity Syndrome'

2PM members Junho and Jun.K recently diagnosed fellow member Taecyeon with “celebrity syndrome.”

On July 13, 2PM members starred as guests on the latest episode of KBS 2TV‘s “The Human Condition.”

When 2PM members were asked to choose the member who was shyest around strangers, they replied, “None of us are really shy around strangers, but we do have a member who is afflicted with the ‘celebrity syndrome'” and went on to reveal that person to be none other than Taecyeon.  

Junho continued, “Since it’s been so long since we debuted, we find ourselves surrounded by a lot of junior artists. It’s funny because we’ll always find Taecyeon outside the waiting room. I think he has a lot of fun receiving greetings from younger artists.” Jun.K added, “I once saw Taecyeon announce in front of a group, ‘Did you want to take pictures together?”

2PM also threw out some other fun facts about their members including, “Nichkhun likes to kiss and Junho likes to sleep.”


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