Manager Charged For Destroying Lee Seung Yeon’s Propofol Treatment History
Lee Seung Yeon’s manager is indicted on suspicion of demanding the hospital to destroy Lee Seung Yeon’s propofol treatment history.
On July 15, Seoul Central District Court made a statement during the eighth hearing of Lee Seung Yeon, Park Shi Yeon, and Jang Mi In Ae’s propofol case saying, “Lee Seung Yeon’s manager, Mr. Lee, is indicted for violating medical law by destroying evidence.”
Through the hearing in May, it was revealed by Director Ahn that Lee Seung Yeon and Park Shi Yeon received propofol treatment from his hospital in Gangnam. He said, “After Lee Seung Yeon’s court case started, her manager Mr. Lee demanded, ‘Please get rid of her treatment history.’”
The manager explained during the phone call, “Lee Seung Yeon finally made a comeback after going through a hard time with the nude photoshoot to raise awareness for comfort women and I’m worried that she would once again be in the center of malicious gossip.”
Lee Seung Yeon’s side refuted, “We never made any request for the destruction of Lee Seung Yeon’s treatment history.” Her lawyer stated, “Rather than going through the newspaper, we will instead give a report with our separate witness.”
During the hearing, an employee from the hospital (Mr. Yoo) appeared as a witness. The prosecutor claimed, “Director Ahn ordered the counseling head to destroy Lee Seung Yeon and Park Shi Yeon’s treatment history.”
Mr. Yoo answered, “I believe that Director Ahn feared tax investigations so he ordered [the destruction of evidence]. I have never seen Lee Seung Yeon or Park Shi Yeon going to the hospital and have symptoms of propofol addiction.”
See also:
Seven Months Pregnant Park Shi Yeon Continues Propofol Case at Court (July 2)