Jo Yeo Jeong’s Double Contract Troubles, Both Sides Reveal Their Stance

Actress Jo Yeo Jeong is currently in the middle of a dispute with her current agency, DiDim531, and the new agency she has signed on to, Bom Entertainment.

DiDim531 revealed their official stance on Jo Yeo Jeong’s double contracts.

On October 22, a representative of DiDim531, which is Jo Yeo Jeong’s currently agency, stated that “We didn’t know that Jo Yeo Jeong had a double contract with Bom Entertainment.”

The representative explained, “Jo Yeo Jeong’s contract with DiDim531 expires on December 16.” “With respect to having two contracts at a time, currently we’ve heard nothing from the Corea Entertainment Management Association, so we don’t really know the story in detail.”

Over on the other side, Bom Entertainment’s side disclosed that they felt unfairly accused.

A representative confirmed on October 22, “We did sign a contract with Jo Yeo Jeong in August. However, in the process of the signing the contract, representatives from her previous agency DiDim531 and Bom Entertainment sat down and came to some sort of agreement.”

The representative went on to explain, “In May, DiDim531 changed its company name from Iyagi Entertainment and changed leadership, and actors and actresses with the agency were offered the choice to recontract with DiDim531.” “Jo Yeo Jeong decided not to recontract, and subsequently was in contact with other agencies besides Bom Entertainment as well. She finally settled on Bom Entertainment.”

“DiDim531’s side communicated that their company was in the midst of reestablishing itself, and it would look good if Jo Yeo Jung stayed till December, and on our side we readily agreed to this.” “We orally agreed that she would begin activities under Bom Entertainment in December.” In addition, the representative added, “Jo Yeo Jeong, too, wanted to show her loyalty to her previous company and that is why she stayed, so the current situation seems unfair.”

Earlier today, entertainment media outlet Dispatch reported that Jo Yeo Jeong had signed onto Bom Entertainment, in addition to her current contract with DiDim531. The Corea Entertainment Management Association are currently regulating contact between actors and actresses and agencies so that they are unable to talk to other agencies or sign new contracts with other agencies till at least 3 months before their contracts expire with their current agency.

Jo Yeo Jeong and DiDim531’s contract expires in December, but the actress faces mounting criticism for signing a contract with Bom Entertainment in August, thus violating her contract with DiDim531.

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