Bizzare Stills of IU in

Intriguing stills of IU from KBS2’s upcoming Wed-Thurs drama “Beautiful Man” have been released on November 13 by the drama’s production company Group8.

In the stills, we see a tomboyish IU carrying around odd items such as six mannequin legs and a bright red lip purse. IU is doing part-time work for the beautiful man Dokgo Ma Te in this particular scene.


A source related to the production company commented, “IU is doing a good job portraying the ‘ordinary’ charm of the strong and cute Kim Bo Tong. Even though she is pretty, she is also naive and simple minded. However, when it comes to pleasing Dokgo Ma Te, Kim Bo Tong displays her genius and talent. Due to these characteristics, viewers will 200% feel the closeness with Kim Bo Tong.”

“Beautiful Man” is based on a popular comic, and will premiere on November 20.

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