JYJ's Jaejoong Continues to Top Charts Internationally

JYJ‘s Jaejoong has been killing the music charts in China.

C-JeS Entertainment said, “Kim Jaejoong has taken the number one spot in the ‘gold’ program on a Chinese music specialty channel, CCTV15. The program airs three times a week for thirty minutes, and shows the most popular Korean music. Jaejoong’s song ‘Just Another Girl’ has been number one for three weeks straight. Moreover, he’s been number one on Yinyuetai’s weekly music charts for four weeks straight.”

CCTV is a huge Chinese performance station with about 22 channels and 1,000,000,000 viewers. CCTV15 is one of those 22 channels, and relays information about a variety of music.

Jaejoong’s first solo album “WWW: Who, When, Why” was released on October 29, and has been a hit even since before its official release. With the album, Jaejoong has hit the top of the iTunes charts in 12 countries including Japan, Taiwan, China, etc. He has also been number one on Japan’s Tower Record’s daily chart, the Oricon weekly chart, and more.

The singer currently has a concert coming up on December 7 in Nanjing, having completed performances so far in Seoul, Yokohama, and Taiwan. 


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