miss A’s Suzy is a Morning Angel on “1 Night 2 Days”

KBS 2TV’s “1 Night 2 Days” welcomed Suzy of miss A as its first guest for the new season. 

On the episode, which will air on December 8, Suzy will be in charge of making breakfast for the members who spent their first night in the wild.

Suzy wandered around the base camp laughing as the six members gave their reactions to her surprise appearance.

A member of the production staff of “1D2N” said, “All of the six members questioned what they saw even after they saw Suzy. Dumbfounded by her appearance, their first morning in the wild was realistically caught on camera,” and “Suzy cooked breakfast for the members. Please watch the show, for it is expected to arouse lots of laughter.”

The episode of “1 Night 2 Days” with Suzy’s special appearance will air on December 8.  


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