Lee Bum Soo and YoonA Have a Martial Arts Showdown on

Lee Bum Soo and YoonA transform into martial artists on KBS 2TV’s new Monday-Tuesday drama “Prime Minister and I.”

KBS released these teaser stills on December 7 in which Lee Bum Soo and YoonA don martial arts attire and face off in a tense showdown. Lee Bum Soo is dressed in all black, and is holding what appears to be four-sided throwing stars in one hand, while giving his opponent a fierce stare in one of the pictures. YoonA’s outfit is black with white lace elements worked in. She displays some martial arts positions as well.

This scene was filmed at a set in Suwon, Gangwon-do on December 21, and the actors wore wires in order for special effects to be used. Lee Bum Soo and YoonA didn’t spare themselves physically, throwing themselves into filming with swords, daggers and whips. Their showdown is expected to be shown during the first episode.

According to the production team for “Prime Minister and I,” “Lee Bum Soo and YoonA left short but lasting impressions from the first episode with their showdown, showing their fighting spirit by sparing no physical effort while filming these action scenes. ‘Prime Minister and I’ is a romantic comedy that promises to bring great laughter this winter. We hope you enjoy watching the show.”

“Prime Minister and I” is a romantic comedy about a single-minded, obstinate prime minister who gets into a contract marriage with an amateur paparazzi reporter in her 20s. The first episode airs on December 9 on KBS 2TV at 10:00 PM KST.

"Prime Minister and I" Lee Bum Soo and YoonA
Check out the teaser for “Prime Minister and I” here.

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