Girls' Generation's Sunny Is a "Lonely Friend" on "Infinity Challenge?"
Who knew Girls’ Generation‘s Sunny felt lonely?
The beautiful idol recently appeared on MBC’s hit variety show “Infinity Challenge” and was introduced as a “lonely friend.” On the special episode, many popular entertainers shared their need for love and company, two of them being So Ji Sub and Lee Dong Wook. The sudden entrance of Sunny made male fans and cast members do a double take, as the Girls’ Generation member would be expected to be anything but fit for the episode’s theme.
Wearing a gorgeous red dress, Sunny confirmed her state, “People seem to think that I am not lonely. My loving fans are there for me, but I can’t share my meals with them every day,” expressing her longing for caring company. She continued to say how she found Big Bang member Daesung‘s words very relatable, “When you are out working, you don’t really notice it, but if your appointment gets suddenly cancelled…” Seems like a busy schedule can keep you distracted, but when the workload gets lighter, you notice what you are actually missing from your life.
This is not the first time for Sunny to make a surprise appearance on a popular variety show, as she participated in filming the Taiwan trip of “Grandpas Over Flowers” and charmed both the viewers and the grandpas with her lovely personality. As Sunny was the first female to be introduced on the special episode of “Infinity Challenge,” it looks like she has become a favorite on male-dominated variety shows, lighting up the screen with her goddess-like appearance and adorable nature.