Upcoming Summer Blockbuster 'The Pirates' Releases New Stills

Upcoming summer blockbuster “The Pirates” released new stills featuring the main casts of the movie. 

The two images released on June 11 showcase the two conflicting sides of the movie, one featuring the sea pirates and the other featuring the mountain bandits.

The Pirates” is a historical action movie about the battle between sea pirates and mountain bandits, as they fight to claim the King’s great seal lost in the belly of a whale. In the stills, the pirates, led by Son Ye Jin, show their serious side, while the mountain bandits, led by Kim Nam Gil, are shown rather comically. 

“The Pirates,” directed by Lee Seok Hoon (“The Two Faces of My Girlfriend,” “Dancing Queen”), stars Son Ye Jin, Kim Nam Gil, Sulli of girl group f(x), and Yoo Hae Jin

See also: “The Pirates” Starring Kim Nam Gil and Son Ye Jin Releases First Trailer and Character Posters

The Pirates

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