SISTAR Celebrates 10 Days Atop the Charts

Girl group SISTAR is continuing to enjoy the phenomenal success of comeback track, “Touch My Body,” from the act’s latest “Touch N Move” mini album. A total of six chart compilers confirmed that the track remained at the Number 1 spot on their charts, ten days after the release of the song. 

For many charts, this means that SISTAR has clung onto chart top spots for 10 consecutive days now. The girls have had to stave off fierce chart competition from the likes of Block B’s latest release, “H.E.R,” Infinite’s “Back” and the popular San E and Raina duet, “A Midsummer Night’s Sweetness.”

The companies in question were: Genie, Melon, Olleh Music, Naver Music, Mnet, and Monkey3.

“Touch My Body” is the first full-group SISTAR release since “Give It to Me,” which also topped the Korean music charts when it was released in June last year.

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