Actress Ha Ji Won Would Like to Live as “Secret Garden” Character Gil Ra Im

On the August 17 broadcast of MBC’s “Section TV,” actress Ha Ji Won took part in a brief interview for the entertainment news program.

During the interview, the reporter asked Ha Ji Won to participate in a few rounds of the “Ultimate Character World Cup,” which included every single character the actress has played until now in her acting career. However, Ha Ji Won gave up after being unable to decide between her character in “Empress Ki,” Ki Seung Nyang, and Jang Chae Ok of “Damo.”

To make it a little easier for the actress, the reporter then asked if there is a character—out of all the roles she has played until now—that she would like to live as, for the rest of her life. After receiving the question, the actress answered, “[The character] that lives a fun, comfortable life is ‘Secret Garden’s’ Gil Ra Im.” She jokingly added, “I can live as a man when it rains from time to time,” causing a round of laughter.

Also, on the topic of her Hollywood advancement, Ha Ji Won shared, “There is no project that’s been decided. I’m currently auditioning for a few good productions.”
ha ji won gil ra im

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