Actor Otani Ryohei Joins Cast Lineup for New Season of SBS’ “Roommate”
Actor Otani Ryohei has been confirmed to join the cast lineup for the second season of SBS’ variety show “Roommate.”
According to broadcast officials on September 11, Otani Ryohei recently made a decision to appear on the show, which has been reorganized for the launching of a brand new season.
Earlier today, it was announced that Girls’ Generation’s Sunny, GOT7’s Jackson, and g.o.d’s Park Joon Hyung have all been confirmed as new members of season two of “Roommate.” It was also reported that there are at least three other unpredictable members who are set to join, and Otani Ryohei has been revealed as one of those members.
It appears that the upcoming season of “Roommate” will be a global one, as Otani Ryohei is from Japan, Park Joon Hyung is from the US, and Jackson is from Hong Kong.
Meanwhile, the first broadcast of the revamped “Roommate” with a new member lineup is scheduled to air on September 21.