Singer Nam Young Joo has unveiled jacket images ahead of the release of her debut single. The solo star, a former contestant on SBS audition show “K-Pop Star Season 3,” posted a series of four pictures on a social media site, accompanied with the slightly cryptic message, “September 15 2014. The debut single will be released at nine minutes past six.”

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No explanation was given as to what the significance of this precise time might be, nor was any hint given as to whether fans can expect the song to be released in the morning or in the evening.

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What can be sure is that Nam Young Joo has undergone a remarkable style transformation in the photographs, two of which are shot in black and white, and two of which are in color. And it would seem that the singer has shed her innocent looks for a more mature theme ahead of making her debut release.

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The star is currently represented by JJ Holic Media, the talent agency behind artists such as Can and Seo Young Eun.

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