Super Junior-M's Henry Misses Family and Sister He Hasn't Seen in 8 Years, Wishes to Find A Girlfriend at Park Gun Hyung's Wedding

Super Junior-M’s Henry has recently talked about how lonely he has become because he misses his family and his strong desire of finding a girlfriend.

On the October 19 episode of MBC’s “Real Men,” Henry revealed what he really feels nowadays to his co-soldiers.

“Nowadays, I’m really lonely. I think, if I get a girlfriend, she will be the luckiest girl in the world. I will cook for her and we’ll wash dishes together,” said Henry.

Park Gun Hyung then replied, “I told you, come to my wedding and find your future wife,” to which Henry replied, “I did hear that many (guys) meet (their future wives) there,” and showed his great interest.

However, Henry revealed that his being single is not the only reason why he’s lonely. “More than the loneliness of not having a girlfriend, I am lonelier because of my family,” Henry confessed.

“Because Korea is not my home, I couldn’t see my mother and father, my whole family, for a year. I have a little sister and now, she’s maybe about 20 years old. Honestly, I don’t know what kind of person she is. I wasn’t able to be with her for eight years so I don’t know how her personality is like, what kind of food she likes, even the kind of color she likes. So I am apologetic. Because I couldn’t help her,” Henry revealed his innermost feelings, making his co-soldiers including Park Gun Hyung tear up.


Awww, Henry. Hope you could catch up on lost time with your sister and family–and find a girlfriend–soon! 

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