SBS Clarifies Regarding Animal Treatment in 'Modern Farmer'

In the second episode of “Modern Farmer” aired on October 19, a scene wherein a spotted deer dies was shown. At times when animals are used in filming, many people wonder whether the animals undergo any mistreatment.

But before the new SBS weekend drama “Modern Farmer” makes itself the target of yet another criticism, this time for its treatment of animals in the show, it has already clarified the situation to the viewers.

At the preview screening of “Modern Farmer” held last October 16, SBS was quick to make a statement regarding the use of the animals in the show. “The filming was carried out after the spotted deer had anesthesia which was performed under the supervision of an expert. (The deer) was only under anesthesia for a while during the filming and the deer is currently living healthily,” explained SBS, emphasizing that no animal abuse took place during the filming of “Modern Farmer.”

Any animal experts among Soompiers here? What do you think about SBS’ explanation?

[tv] Catch “Modern Farmer” on SoompiTV! [/tv]

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