BEAST’s Dongwoon Talks About Individual Profits Based on Group’s Activities
On the latest episode of MBC’s “Radio Star,” BEAST member Dongwoon came on and talked about the individual income that each of the group members receive.
With regards to the money they make, Dongwoon revealed that BEAST does have the 1/N system, meaning that each member receives an equal share of the profit, regardless of whether it was a group activity or a member’s individual activity. As a result, he said, “98% of our income comes from BEAST’s group profits.” He continued, “We don’t really get much [money] from appearing on television. Even solo albums don’t get us that much either. We make money through our concerts, special events, and advertisements.”
Dongwoon also added in his own thoughts, “I think if we have a lot of individual activities there would be some discontent among the members. We talked about this a year ago. We voted and with a majority we decided upon the 1/N system.”
Meanwhile, g.o.d’s Park Joon Hyung, model Song Kyung Ah, and rapper Mino also made guest appearances on “Radio Star.”
What do you guys think of BEAST’s decision?