"We Got Married" Song Jae Rim Feels Guilty That Kim So Eun Is Becoming More Like Him
On the October 25 broadcast of MBC’s “We Got Married,” Song Jae Rim and Kim So Eun made couple t-shirts. The two put on the t-shirts that they also signed, and Kim So Eun even wore the shorts that Song Jae Rim gave her.
Song Jae Rim then said, “You are in my heart,” and Kim So Eun played along, throwing the same line right back at him.
In the following interview, when asked about how Kim So Eun is becoming more and more like him, Song Jae Rim said, “I think it’s a good thing. I didn’t think she would wear those shorts. But, I think maybe I broke an angel’s wings and made her fall. I feel a little bit guilty.”
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