Highlights: "Liar Game" Episode 5
After last week’s clever minority game, I couldn’t wait to see what surprises would be in store for us this week. I eagerly waited for the next episode, refreshing after every couple of minutes or so, and thankfully, my efforts were not in vain. As I sat down after a rough day to catch the latest episode, I’m still completely floored by how amazing this “Liar Game” journey has been so far.
By now, you all probably know that I can’t wait to gush about Ha Woo Jin‘s brilliance, Nam Da Jung‘s naivety, Kang Do Young‘s craftiness, and even Jo Dal Goo‘s surprising loyalty, so let’s get down to business and talk about the five scenes that made episode 5 rock.
1. Ha Woo Jin and Nam Da Jung’s connection.
No, not that connection.
If we thought that Ha Woo Jin and Nam Da Jung working together and helping each other in the game was nothing but a coincidence, we can go ahead and toss that notion right out the window.Ha Woo Jin gets the shock of his after jail life when Jo Dal Goo unknowingly offers him even more of a reason to be suspicious of Liar Game and Kang Do Young in general. It turns out that Nam Da Jung’s father went into such severe debt because he purchased stock with borrowed money as an investment in L Company, the very same company that Ha Woo Jin ruined in order to avenge his mother.
2. Jo Dal Goo’s non betrayal.
I felt my heart sink when Jo Dal Goo smuggled that briefcase of money out of Nam Da Jung’s house after she fell asleep. Despite being a creditor and having been in jail, he honestly gives off the impression as being a good guy, so I took it particularly hard when he betrayed her – even if that came from outside threats and influences. Luckily, Ha Woo Jin managed to bring him back to his senses and Jo Dal Goo continues to be a source of support for Nam Da Jung. His humorous side is ever present and, for that, I’m super thankful, but probably not as grateful as I am that he’s constantly watching out for Nam Da Jung by being Ha Woo Jin’s eyes and ears as Ha Woo Jin does some detective work of his own on the sidelines.
3. Nam Da Jung is still too naive.
I couldn’t refrain from yelling at my computer screen when Nam Da Jung and Jamie made the deal to give each other three stars for all ten rounds. I knew Jamie would be up to no good and also knew that Nam Da Jung would fall for it without even a second thought. They gave the ability to make a contract on the app for a reason!! But, that was Nam Da Jung’s flaw from the very beginning – the simple fact that she is too trusting and never finds it in herself to be suspicious of another person, even if she’s on a game show named Liar Game.
I truly felt her weakness here when she couldn’t even properly defend herself against Jamie’s wild accusations. Even during the photo shoot and dinner with Kang Do Young, Nam Da Jung never even realized something was amiss. Nevertheless, I’m still waiting for the day where Nam Da Jung can finally realize there really is such a thing as trusting too much and can successfully accomplish winning a round of “Liar Game” without Ha Woo Jin’s help.
4. Underlying tension between Kang Do Young and Lee PD.
For the first time, it seems like Lee PD is beginning to realize something is off about her partner, Kang Do Young. At first, she always seemed to be under the impression that they are working together for somewhat of the same purpose. Except now, she’s getting an inkling that not everything is quite what it seems. I can’t wait to see where her suspicions will take her and how this will affect their partnership, Liar Game, and even Nam Da Jung and Ha Woo Jin. Something tells me she won’t settle for idling to the side as Kang Do Young plays out whatever game he’s truly got planned for them.
5. Hanging by a thread. Literally!
Talk about palm sweating and heart racing! Of course, I knew it wasn’t possible that Ha Woo Jin would plummet to his death so early in the game, but it certainly didn’t stop me from tensing in anxiety and nervousness whenever Ha Woo Jin began swinging on that thin rope just threatening to snap. The kicker here is that this was the exact same method Ha Woo Jin used a year ago when he sought revenge for his mother, so whoever is the one behind knocking him out cold and replicating the scene has all the important tidbits on Ha Woo Jin and his past. What kind of dangers he might face next is anyone’s guess, but as he’s trying to save himself from becoming pancake on concrete, Nam Da Jung is busy trying to save herself from elimination in the layoff round with a 50/50 game and Jamie as her opponent.
My Thoughts
I love how the pacing has continued to be fast and consistent throughout the episodes and it is my sincere hope that it will continue this way until the end. The intensity is still present, particularly with Ha Woo Jin, and I’m so loving Lee Sang Yoon‘s portrayal of him. I’ve never seen his projects before, but I’ve already put his other projects on my to-watch list because he’s absolutely captivating here. I’m also really enjoying the unknown and how fast roles can be reversed in the games. It’s been a fun ride with just the right touch of mystery, humor, and heart thumping thrill. As always, the episode ends on a cliffhanger, so I’m anxious to see how the next episode plays out.
What did you think about episode 5 and for those who have seen the Japanese version or have read the manga, how does this Korean remake compare? Let us know by posting your comments below!
[tv]Catch episode 5 of “Liar Game” on SoompiTV!