Taeyeon Unfollows Baekhyun on Instagram

Fans have noticed that Girls’ Generation member Taeyeon has unfollowed Baekhyun of EXO on Instagram.

The two were announced as an official couple after images of them enjoying dates surfaced in the media earlier this year. Their agency SM Entertainment acknowledged their relationship in June.

Along with unfollowing Baekhyun, Taeyeon has also unfollowed a variety of other celebrities that she was initially following, including EXO‘s SehunBeast‘s Junhyung and JYJ‘s Jaejoong. She is currently only following 12 individuals.

She still seems to be following fellow members of Girls’ Generation, along with one of her close SM Entertainment friends, Heechul.

See also: SM Confirms Girls’ Generation Taeyeon and EXO Baekhyun Are Dating

Taeyeon’s Instagram

taeyeon instagram

taeyeon instagram 2 cut

Baekhyun’s Instagram

baekhyun instagram

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