Man Crush Monday: November's Mystery Reveal
Thanks for tuning in to the first edition of our new Man Crush Monday event! Titled the Mystery Reveal, it’s a once per month occurrence where the featured crush-worthy man of the week is selected from Soompier nominations. These nominations were found in the comment section from the three previous Man Crush Monday articles featuring Lee Gun from “Fated to Love You,” Do Min Joon from “My Love From the Stars,” and Shin Joon Ho from “You’re the Best, Lee Soon Shin.”
The process of selection was simple. I wrote down each nomination on a slip of paper, tossed them in a tin can, shook it around as I danced across the room, and drew out the name of our lucky man at random. Repeated nominations were accepted as well, which meant a higher probability of your man crush being selected for a feature.
With all that being said, let’s get down to business! Aren’t you curious about who our very first mystery man is? Wondering which name I drew out from the tin can? Wait no further because patience pays off! Our November’s Mystery Reveal is…
Song Jae Rim! This was a surprise that I found amusing because it wasn’t too long ago that I had devoted my time writing the article, “Introducing Model Turned Actor Song Jae Rim.” It looks like we were fated to meet again and I don’t mind one bit! Now, this Soompier nomination didn’t specify just which of Song Jae Rim’s drama character was her man crush, so I took it upon myself to choose one of his crush worthy roles, which turned out to be Kwon Shi Kyung from “Surplus Princess.”
So without further ado, here are the five reasons why Kwon Shi Kyung is our Man Crush Monday (spoilers ahead):
1. Kwon Shi Kyung is a celebrity chef.
That means he can do all the cooking while you kick back, relax, and eat like royalty on a daily basis because his dishes are bound to be delicious each and every time. On the days where even Kwon Shi Kyung deserves a break, you can expect to eat well too since he has such a refined palate for good food. A man who can work smoothly in the kitchen is definitely swoon-worthy in my book! In fact, just watching him move in the kitchen with finesse would be downright mesmerizing.
2. Kwon Shi Kyung is easily amused.
If you’ve got a bit of a silly side, you’ll never have to fear getting weird looks from him. Your antics will actually brighten up his day and cause him to flash you that heart-stopping smile of his. Since Kwon Shi Kyung can often have a hectic work schedule, you’d be able to offer him the breath of fresh air he needs and allow him to de-stress. If you’re a fun person, then Kwon Shi Kyung can fall for you freely because he secretly craves that kind of a release from his hectic and serious lifestyle.
3. He’s actually not as arrogant and aloof as he’d like you to think.
Kwon Shi Kyung is actually kind of a dork and has a really nice and respectable side. His laugh is rare, beautiful, and something to cherish, but if you can find the right buttons to break his barrier, then he will laugh all the time. He swoops in to help you when needed and takes responsibilities for his actions. Even if it ends up giving people the wrong impression, his main goal is to prevent trouble for you. He’s a man of action in that he’ll repeatedly try for you. For instance, if you ever argue and decide not to take his calls, he’ll probably keep calling you with determination. If that doesn’t work, he’ll find you to talk in person. He only seems arrogant and unbearable on the surface because of his secret, which is the fact that he has prosopagnosia, also known as face blindness, a disorder where the ability to recognize faces is impaired.
4. Personality, not looks, is what counts for Kwon Shi Kyung.
It is precisely because of his prosopagnosia that you can know for a fact that if he is with you, if he loves you, it did not start out that way because he was attracted to the exterior. You never have to worry about your appearance or keeping Kwon Shi Kyung attracted to you. You never have to worry that he’ll look at other women or be unfaithful because people’s faces are nothing more than a blur to him. Not to say that Kwon Shi Kyung would ever cheat on a woman because again, he is nice and respectable to the highest degree. But personality is the factor that Kwon Shi Kyung will fall in love with. For a fact. So if you’ve got a winning personality, a kind heart, and a good sense of humor, you could be the woman for him!
5. Kwon Shi Kyung is a mature man.
There is not an ounce of immaturity in him. Sure, he might have experienced some downright comical moments, but he’s full of maturity. He doesn’t like to mess around and gets disappointed in people who treat others with disrespect and childish antics. He never acts brash in the face of jealousy and never falls for the obvious gloats that would normally have made someone else react in a negative manner. He always keeps his composure and responds in an appropriate fashion.
One of the most touching moments where Kwon Shi Kyung made me cry was when he willingly and of his own accord, let his love, Kim Ha Ni, go. He loved her and while she once liked him, they weren’t fated to be together due to ill timing and Kim Ha Ni eventually, unexpectedly, fell for someone else. Like the mature man that he is, Kwon Shi Kyung allowed her to return to the side of the man she truly loved, rather than sticking by him, with a last tearful confession, “The most important thing in cooking is timing. That’s what I’m best at. Good timing to bring the best out of the ingredients. But I keep… missing the timing with you. I was a step late. Sorry. I should have realized sooner.”
And then Kwon Shi Kyung thanks her for making him laugh, which, to me, is like the equivalent of thanking her for making him fall hard and breaking his heart. As if that wasn’t manly and mature enough, he continues by comforting Kim Ha Ni, telling her not to cry and don’t be sorry. Never once did Kwon Shi Kyung put her in a difficult situation by forcing her to choose or dictating that she must stay with him or else as other characters have been prone to do in the past. He is selfless and that makes him worthy of love.
Bonus Reason
I couldn’t help it… but when “Surplus Princess” and Kim Ha Ni focused so much on Kwon Shi Kyung’s apple bottoms in the beginning… He he he… Well, I won’t post any photos in order to save you all from turning over to the dark side. Just consider it a good deed from a fellow samaritan… but it was worth mentioning as a bonus reason. Ha!
So what did you think about Kwon Shi Kyung? Were you glad he was fatefully chosen as this month’s mystery man? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and, as always, make sure to keep nominating those Man Crush Monday’s for the next Mystery Reveal!
[tv]Swoon over Kwon Shi Kyung in “Surplus Princess” on SoompiTV!