Drama "Spy" Accused of Plagiarizing Poster of Movie "Leon"
Drama “Spy,” featuring Kim Jae Joong and Bae Jong Ok, was criticized by netizens who claimed that its poster was similar to the poster of movie “Leon.”
“Leon” is a famous Hollywood movie first released in 1994. On April of 2013, the movie was re-released in theaters with a new poster, and the poster of “Spy” reportedly have similar composition as this poster. While the characters are black and white, the bold letters of the title are in color for both posters. Moreover, the pointed gun and the posture of two characters in the poster of “Spy” look similar to the ones of “Leon.”
However, a spokesperson of “Spy” denied that the poster was plagiarized by saying, “It is true that when the poster of ‘Spy’ was made, [we] referenced the poster of ‘Leon.’ Later we got a consent from the poster makers of ‘Leon.'” He then added, “[But] if this becomes a problem we won’t use the poster anymore.”
Meanwhile, the drama aired its first episode on January 9 with a good viewer rating of eight percent.