B1A4 Criticized for Getting Too Friendly with a Fan during Fan Meeting in Malaysia
On January 13, Malaysian press released photos of B1A4 and a fan during a fan meeting in Malaysia. According to the reports, B1A4 left a bad impression on some locals by getting too friendly with a fan.
The photos in question show B1A4 members holding hands with a fan and kissing her forehead. Although these kinds of photos are common for fan meetings, the issue was that the fan was wearing a hijab.
After the happening was reported through various press outlets, B1A4’s agency commented, “The fan meeting was with fans of different races from various countries. The content of the event in question was revealed beforehand to the fans, who were selected to participate, and the promoters [in Malaysia]. The content of the event was shared and agreed upon.” They stated that the hugging and forehead kissing in the photos were part of an event parodying scenes from the drama “The Heirs” with fans, and that they thoroughly explained what was going to happen in the event. They added, “Because of cultural differences we explained what was going to happen in [the parody] many times, and the MC on stage also asked for permission one more time. During the actual [fan meeting] there was no problem.”
Meanwhile, it was reported that JAKIM, the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia, is asking the hosts of the event to take responsibility for what happened. Consequently, the organizers of the fan meeting apologized to B1A4 and the fan in the photos and promised to not let incidents like this happen again.