Eddy Kim’s “My Love” Crystal Grand Piano Worth 200 Million KRW

Solo star Eddy Kim made a grand comeback by performing the song “My Love” on a crystal grand piano worth over 200 million KRW (approximately $185,000 USD), according to his talent agency Mystic Entertainment. The singer appeared playing the translucent piano, which is also featured in the “My Love” music video, on last week’s SBS’ “Inkigayo” and MBC’s “Music Bank.” 

A spokesperson for the agency explained, “Eddy Kim played this crystal piano on his comeback stages. This piano is very suitable for his romantic song. We tried very hard to find the right piano and eventually decided that this one matched the song’s concept the best.”

The piano was designed by instrument makers Kawai, a company founded in Japan in 1927. The same unique piano is played by legendary rock band X-Japan‘s Yoshiki, while American rock star Lenny Kravitz owns a similar model.

The grand piano first appears in the music video around the 2:45 mark.

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