Teen Top's Niel Releases Logo and Countdown for Solo Debut

Teen Top‘s vocalist Niel has finally released official teaser images for his impending solo debut.

On February 2, Teen Top’s official social media sites released a teaser image with a logo for Niel’s solo debut. The logo consists of an N formed by a compass needle and two 1’s. The teaser image also says “oNIELy,” with the text running under reading, “Only + Niel.”

Teen Top also revealed a countdown on their official website to the release date of the singer’s debut single. The logo on the website seems to be gradually changing colors as it nears the actual release date.

Niel’s solo debut will be released on February 16. Previously, he revealed his self-written song “Affogato” on his episode of “4 Things Show.”

Watch the self-produced music video for “Affogato” below!

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