Song Jae Rim and Kim So Eun Enjoy Skinship in “We Got Married” Preview Stills

The upcoming episode of “We Got Married” will show more of Song Jae Rim and Kim So Eun’s trip to Jeju Island. The preview stills reveal plenty of opportunities for them to enjoy some skinship.

Their story continues at an amusement park. The couple tries out a ride called “Disco Pang Pang” for the first time. This ride is quite popular amongst youths in Korea. The ride is in the shape of a circle and is padded with seats, but without seat belts. Passengers cling to the surrounding railing as the ride spins and bounces. A lot of strength is required to avoid losing your grip on the railing and flying around.

Since the ride is notorious for sending people flying off their seats, Song Jae Rim and Kim So Eun are quite nervous. Song Jae Rim reassures and promises Kim So Eun that he will protect her during the ride. He tries to act as a human shield to prevent her from falling. Hilariously, as soon as the ride starts Song Jae Rim is the one to fall towards Kim So Eun resulting in an odd pose.


Later, Kim So Eun shocks her husband with a surprise birthday party for him. Song Jae Rim is touched and opens his present from his wife.


You can catch more of their Jeju Island vacation on March 14.

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