Kim Tae Hee Thanks Honey Lee for Coffee Truck on Set of

Beautiful actress Kim Tae Hee expressed her heartfelt thanks to Honey Lee for a coffee truck she sent to the set of “Yong Pal.”

On August 20, Kim Tae Hee posted a photo on her Instagram with the captions, “Honey’s coffee truck arrived in the middle of an overnight shoot. I’ve gained energy. Honey, thank you.”

In the picture, Kim Tae Hee wears the white dress that she is always wearing in the SBS Wednesday-Thursday drama “Yong Pal,” and is holding up a cup with a bright smile.

Kim Tae Hee and Honey Lee are known as being university classmates and great friends. Honey Lee is also familiar with the director of “Yong Pal,” having worked with him in “Modern Farmer.”

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