Yeo Jin Goo Makes Surprise Appearance on

Actor Yeo Jin Goo made a surprise appearance during the September 13 livestream of “My Little Television.”

During the livestreaming that took place for the MBC variety show “My Little Television,” the young actor paid a surprise visit to entertainer Kim Gura‘s broadcast.

Kim Gura, who managed to snag the first place with highest average ratings in the last online broadcast, continued his strong strike with the support of the popular actor. The theme for Kim Gura’s most recent broadcast was movies.

As well as Kim Gura, chef Oh Se Deuk and Lee Chan Oh, dancer Park Ji Woo, actress Ha Yeon Soo, hair designer Cha Hong participated in the latest online broadcast. These stars’ online broadcast will be shown on September 19 broadcast of “My Little Television.”

Source: (1)

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