Chu Ja Hyun Tears Up Talking About Her Fiancé Yu Xiao Guang

On the latest episode of SBS’s “How to Live Well and Eat Well,” actress Chu Ja Hyun reveals what solidified her decision to marry Chinese actor Yu Xiao Guang

Tearing up as she talks about her now fiancé Yu Xiao Guang, she expresses how grateful she is to him, saying, “He was always by my side for the last three years. I tear up whenever I think about him. He’s so good to me.”

She adds, “I asked him once why he’s so good to me. He said he sees me struggling in a foreign country. Rather than giving me advice like others, he just wanted to treat me well.” She was so touched by his loving kindness, she says. “When I weighed my acting career against marrying him, I had no problem choosing him.”

Yu Xiao Guang is currently working as an actor in television dramas and movies. He’s also a talented singer and songwriter, as well as an athlete who has won many medals in national competitions.

Due to both actors’ busy working schedules, they stay in touch on the phone a lot. When they do see each other, they often hang out at the gym working out together.

chu ja hyun

Chu Ja Hyun also showcases her cooking skills by making some Korean noodles for chef Im Ji Ho and MC Kim Soo Ro for breakfast. She demonstrates her cooking expertise by using kelp used to make broth as garnish. She also impresses everyone by serving up squash pancakes.

Congratulations to the happy couple!

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